The new spirit of Oshogbo Art
28.04.2011 - 18.05.2011
Open The Gate
33-35 Stoke Newington Rd, Dalston
London N16 8BJ
0207 503 6099
Rahmon Olugunna

About the artist and his work: Rahmon Olugunna - "Prince of Oshogbo Art"
Rahmon Olugunna has been referred to as the heir apparent to the great Oshogbo art tradition. He is a third generation Oshogbo artist, which takes it's name from the ancient Yoruba town of Oshogbo - renowned as a cradle of Yoruba culture and spirituality. His work confidently evokes the Oshogbo artistic movement, but boldly pushes the boundaries into refreshing new directions. Rahmon's striking abstractions give new meaning to figurative art and are often set in a mosaic of striking colours and patterns. He evolved his style under the tutelage of a number of Oshogbo masters including Rufus Ogundele and Muraina Oyelami and has now emerged as an artist with his own distinctive voice. He has exhibited in Lagos, Abuja, New York, Chicago, Atlanta and Sante Fe and his work features in the permanent collections of the Richard Singletary Gallery in Virginia. Rahmon will only be in London for a limited period, this exhibition is an opportunity to experience selected works from the 'New Spirit of Oshogbo Art'.
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